
International Crisis & Wars

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International Crisis & Wars

Some of the people still alive today can recall President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech about the Japanese attack on Pearl, Harbor on December 7, 1941. His stirring words were played all day over the radio: “I ask that Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.             Looking at World Wars I and II combined, from a positive angle, considering the millions of people who were killed (approximately...

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A seed

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A seed

Dear Reader, The following is entirely by Dane Rudhyar.  His mind was beautiful.  He was born and educated in France and came to the United States as a young man.  He became a brilliant astrologer and metaphysician and wrote many books  with profound insights about the human condition and our evolution. This piece was gleaned from a very small book he wrote with the same title. I wanted to share the beauty and wonder of a great mind, indeed, an advanced soul, with you. Source: www.azquotes.com “I feel that we are at the threshold of a new age, and that we need now, more than...

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The Soul of Discrimination

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The Soul of Discrimination

The Soul of Discrimination Have you ever needed to buy another house?  Your ability to discriminate or not will show up when you do. Perhaps you have been invited to a grand event and realize you need to buy a new dress or suit for the occasion. Or maybe you need a legal specialist for something and have checked out and met several people whose expertise you need, but you can’t decide which one to choose. Discrimination is involved in all these situations and seldom do we realize that our choices are poor because we have failed to realize that the Divine is present in all these situations,...

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Dealing with Impending Death

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Dealing with Impending Death

Dealing with Impending Death A close friend of mine has been diagnosed with a fatal disease. For months she has been on oxygen 24/7. She expects she’ll live another four or five months. She is far enough along in the progress of the illness that hospice has been called in. She wrestles with all kinds of things from feeling a victim of unseen forces to questions arising from the extensive reading she has done from the Tibetan and the Western traditions. She is unsettled because there are unanswered questions. Naturally! Prior to death most people have questions, even though they go through...

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What is the Life Divine?

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What is the Life Divine?

In the past Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga took me by storm and his master work, The Life Divine, became the source of many elevated thoughts. What is the Life Divine? Aurobindo says that “the divine expresses himself as existence, consciousness, bliss wisdom, knowledge, love, beauty and as the impersonal and universal powers of himself…but he is not an impersonal state; he is the Being, absolute, universal and individual.” Source: The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo, Vol. II, p. 1069. It is not impossible that there is both a co-existence and one existence. The impersonal and the Person are...

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Spread the Great Invocation

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Spread the Great Invocation

Spread the Great Invocation     by Rebecca A Field    © All Rights Reserved Worldwide The Great Invocation was given to humanity in the last century to help us turn the tide of change in a positive direction befitting the call of the soul. We live in times of extreme social turbulence and some people are frightened by it. One of the best and most effective methods we have available to us to assuage fear is to say the Great Invocation at least once a day and more often if possible. The great mantra or prayer was given to humanity in the last century, though it has been used for thousands of...

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