Occupy Wall Streeters Call Big Meeting
Since the inception of OWS, the movement has been full of creativity. One of the latest is from the group in Kalamazoo, Michigan that proposes a national meeting and even a worldwide gathering.
Members of OWS want to assemble collectively to embrace different ideologies and perspectives of peoples’ movements around the world.
They seek to find common visions and also to work on strategies and actions that can potentially further their ideas. They want to find some agreement while upholding diversity for themselves, their local communities, their nations, and for the world as a whole.
Occupiers believe that it is time they got together on an international basis in order to create a better world. One of the heartening things they are putting out to the public is their desire to really listen to other Occupy groups and find ways to gain clarity on issues that humankind currently is struggling with.
In their openness to new ideas, they welcome new voices and strategies hoping that many will come to their meeting in Kalamazoo, Michigan on August 21 – 26
So far their areas of interest include:
1. Fossil fuels and an environmentally sustainable future
2. Economic and trade justice and ending corporate personhood, sovereignty
3. Supporting free and unfettered media
4. Ending war, the police state, building peace and cooperation
5. Renew your home community. Homeless Bill of Rights
Occupiers are going to great lengths to remain open and find out where they resonate with ideas carried forward by different people. In fact, resonance is something they look for in conversation with others. They know that evolution occurs with instability and that new social structures can take the place of the old and outworn ones. Instability and unsettledness are results of the untruth and decay of the old patterns.
In terms of whole systems, members of OWS set up this meeting knowing that by calling other people together from around the world, they will all be able to access available knowledge about all kinds of things. They set the stage for neural-mental processes* to evolve.
These mental structures become intense and simultaneously natural when there is a balance between the new and the old. Both subjective and objective merge in the matrix of evolution.
Rebecca Field
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PS: For those who are interested, please visit InterOccupy.Net
Further Reading
*The Self-Organizing Universe, Erich Jantsch, Pergamon Press, 1979, p. 290
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