Trans-Himalayan Prayers

great-prayers-of-the-trans-himalayan-tradition-book-coverIt is with great pleasure that I have gathered for you in this eBook the following Great Prayers of the Trans-Himalayan tradition:

*The Great Invocation
*The Mantra of the New Group of World Servers
*The Gayatri
*The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
*New Age Laws and Principles
*The Sons of Men Are One
*The Soul Mantra
*Mantra for Group Alignment
*The Mantra of the Group Disciple
*World Server’s Mantra
*Meditation Affirmation
*I Offer Myself as a Temple
*The Lord’s Prayer

You’ll be delighted to see the many illustrations alongside the prayers
and to watch the videos, where you can hear some of the prayers being sung or narrated.Truly a joyful and empowering experience!

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Great Prayers of the Trans-Himalayan Tradition

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Please use these prayers often, wisely, lovingly and with good intention.Feel free to spread them as they are as far and wide as possible!

With loving blessings and the intention that the Will-to-good blossoms in your heart.

Thanks to the Lucis Trust from whom most of these have come over a period of the last 65 years.

Rebecca A Field - Author of "To choose the fire of the cosmos"


Compiled for you by Rebecca A Field, PhD
Evolutionary Cosmologist & International Humanitarian Networker

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