Greatness: 21 Compelling Stories That Open The Heart

greatness 21 stories that open the heartMy book Greatness: 21 Compelling Stories That Open The Heart is now available on and Barnes & Noble

I’m thrilled to be able to share the news as this book talks about greatness, and how it has been expressed in ways you never thought possible!

True Experiences from Around the World

True greatness is utilizing what you are gifted with and actualizing and fulfilling your particular purpose.

Stories sheds light on the quality of greatness that we so often see in the people around us and also in animals.  It is greatness that we all aspire to. Depending on the story, real greatness runs the gamut of human experience, from leadership, seeing and obeying inner truth no matter what the cost, to the ability to use humor to get emotional distance from an experience.

 As Dr. Jeff Spencer (The Champions Blueprint) said about Greatness – You respect the talents that your gifted with and you’re obligated to grow those talents and build a life platform based on them, to be able to mentorship back to other people to help other people elevate their game. When you’ve honored that in yourself and you’ve honored that to be able to elevate others then you’ve lived a great life.

It is my hope that you will enjoy the stories and find, accept and expand your own greatness through practice of that noble quality.

As always, thanks for your readership and support. It never fails to humble and move me that you would want to spend time in the company of my words. What an honor that is.

Sincerely yours,

Rebecca Field

Greatness 21 Stories that open the heart by Rebecca Field



I just read The Sadness of the Japanese Farmer.  Great story, one that will stay with me for a long time.    –MF


“A Night to Remember” is a lovely reminder that connecting deeply with another holds the potential for transformation. It encourages remembering with heartfelt gratitude those who have mentored and inspired us on our own adventures.            –PH


This story is a sweet reminder of core values that reside, hopefully, within each human being, deep in some, deeper in others. These values are caring, kindness and faith. When these values are accessed, beauty emerges. The lesson is to keep these values at the ready to be put to use in everyday life. The whole world, then, is enhanced. Thanks to Rebecca Field for reminding us of this.                                              -AF


What wonderful heart-full stories! –DTS


These extraordinary stories provide thought-provoking insights into the heart of greatness, offering each of us the opportunity to open our own heart and find our greatest potential within.  –MF



The author’s writing embodies the deep love she has for others. I’m an African American who has pride reading Rebecca’s intimate look into the ideas, thoughts and sensations we possess as a community. This story celebrates the universal concept of oneness! –DTS


The story of True Forgiveness was so very touching and inspirational and so beautifully written! The storyline was carried from the tragic to the resolution and then to the inspirational lesson at the end.   This is the most original yet realistic story of an extraordinary example of True Forgiveness that I have ever heard.  The writing creates pictures that linger on one’s mind and heart for a very long time.  – EB


I find it simply wonderful!  JD


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