The Power of Real Listening
With all the din in the world—multiple voices speaking simultaneously, the noise of machinery, the roar of the occasional airplane, the ubiquitous cell phone and the constant surge of noise around you—it is hard to listen well.
Yet listening is very important. I recall being on a public bus in Amsterdam and a resident came and sat beside me. I said nothing and looked away—after all I don’t speak Dutch—but she launched.
She talked and talked. Intonations and facial expressions made me think she was telling a sad story, something that was emotionally disturbing. The bus bumped along for perhaps 15 minutes before she asked me a question. I think it was a question, that is. I had really listened to her, nodded and smiled here and there and indicated that to some extent I heard her problem. All I could do was to answer her in English. She was flabbergasted!
After all, she had bared her soul to a stranger. She was surprised, furious and a bit red in the face, obviously very embarrassed and more than a little peeved with herself for not checking to see whether I too was a resident of Amsterdam. It has happened more than once that I have been taken for a native of the Netherlands!
I had really listened to her, nodded or smiled here and there and indicated that to some extent, I heard her problem and taken it into my heart. In the moment she seemed to need to be heard, really deeply heard and I was there.
Deep listening is something those on the spiritual path must learn to do. Nothing can take the place of listening to the still small voice that’s within. The world would be farther ahead if what was uttered and also listened to was a sensed vision, a hope, a positive note for and about humanity.
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Rebecca A Field
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Hearing learners have the benefit of seeing the Cosmos present in all the
music and poetry written in the 20th century.Visual learners are missing
much beauty!