Joy the Soul of Resurrection
What is the amazing power of spring, Easter, and the Passover? Why it is so compelling?
After all we mark it as a huge event every year. What is it all about that makes it so important? Have we learned the lessons it has to teach?
Every year we celebrate the Passover and Easter and delight with coconut covered lambs and brightly colored eggs nestled in artificial green grass. It is an outlet for the wonders of human creativity, but do we give even a moment’s notice to the meaning of all these symbols?
Of course, the mystery of eternal rebirth and renewal and the wonders of life itself come up.
But really what is the meaning of unrest in a global context as we note seething tensions on and between almost every latitude and longitude on earth?
Our attraction to money and making war in order for the few to make money, and gross inability—even unwillingness of governmental bodies–to make sense to a large number of their constituents, leaves us bereft and apparently soulless.
Humanity is left with the question, “Are we going to make it to the other side?” Are we going to be able to save ourselves before it is too late when climatologists tell us we must change our ways now and toxicologists find the human body so full of toxins, that in spite of the huge advances of modern medicine, that humans are not as healthy as they could be?
The problem is so close to us that we are unable to see it. But we must see it before human civilization dies. That is to put it squarely! Humanity is between life and death and in order to make the correct life–promoting choices, we have to understand the problem. It looks at us from every corner. Every facet of human life is encumbered by stifling materialism and selfishness.
Even as the seasonal symbols of cute bunnies, lambs and chicks abound, the mystery still stands, unless we are willing to look into the meaning of the symbols.
Both Passover and Easter commemorate sacrificial offerings: the lamb and the Christ, are essentially one and the same.
Sacrifice is a demanding thing that requires selflessness.
Selflessness can be a joyful thing! Selflessness is a joyful thing! In fact, there is nothing else.
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© April, 2014 Rebecca Field
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for this Easter greeting. I wish you a Happy Easter.