Plea for Love of the Earth by Native
Canadians Morphs into a Global Movement
A parliamentary bill in Ottawa (Bill C45) resonates with Native Canadians and reverberates with some of the sentiments of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the sentiments that brought on the Arab Spring. Canadian Indians resist the bill because financial interests take precedence over life and have no respect for human beings.
Representatives of financial interests have little respect for people.
Indians in Canada are saying in effect, “We’ve had enough. Stop it NOW.” Non-violent spokesmen react to the bill and parallel the feelings going on in hearts all over the world. They are tired of living in, by and with corruption, materialism and the greed that demands profit no matter what.
It is time the world starts to notice that this feeling is evident everywhere. People see that life has gone badly astray and that greed has taken over.
Four Canadian women started the movement called “Idle No More.” Nina Wilson, Sheela McLean, Sylvia McAdam, and Jessica Gordon felt that the legislation would affect First Nation Peoples as well as other Canadians including Canada’s vast expanse of land, water and wildlife.
On December 11, 2012 Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence started a hunger strike and requested a personal meeting with the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to discuss dishonored Indian treaties and care of the land. To make her point she lives during the winter in a teepee on the ice-filled Ottawa River looking out on Parliament Hill.
American Indians have chimed in with their support as Chief Arvol Lookinghorse of South Dakota buttressed Canadian activities with a moving prayer for safeguarding Mother Earth. He said:
“This effort to protect Mother Earth is all Humanity’s responsibility, not just the Aboriginal People. Every human being has had Ancestors in their lineage that understood their umbilical cord to the Earth, understanding the need to always protect and thank her. Therefore, all Humanity has to reconnect to their own Indigenous Roots of their lineage – to heal their connection and responsibility with Mother Earth and become a united voice…All nations, All Faiths, One Prayer.”
Whether Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring or Idle No More as spontaneous movements, they morph into one another for a reason. Humanity is sick of being less than a commodity in the minds of the powerful and certain corporations.
Each of the movements, which are not really separate, is a call for a non-violent revolution against the exploitation of people, life and natural resources and they are for sustainability, human rights, social equity, a reasonable and sacred politico-economic system and they alert the general population to the necessity for self-managed and self-controlled civil disobedience.
Like the other movements of the past year or so, Idle No More deserves our highest commendation and support, especially at the heart level, including other levels of life as well. Let’s not be silent on this one. Our future depends on its success!
Rebecca A Field
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