A Salute to the New State of PALESTINE by Rebecca A Field.
Source: belfasttelegraph.co.ukAn email came in a few nights ago saying that the United Nations had voted to make Palestine a state. It was with great joy that the message greeted me.
A must see location for travelers to Palestine, is the Hope Flowers School which has hosted Hillary Clinton, many governmental representatives from different countries and U.S. Congressmen. It has earned the reputation of being one of the finest elementary and secondary schools in the world.
I came to know the people who were the chief administrators at the Hope Flowers School in Bethlehem and I know that the yearning of their hearts was to have their own country.
Ibrahim IssaAs a volunteer grant writer, it was my privilege to get to know and work with Ibrahim Issa, the son of the Hope Flowers founder, Hussein Issa, who, as a refugee child, dreamed of founding an elementary school in the Bethlehem area.
Source: hopeflowersschool.orgIn the early days of the school Israeli and Palestinian children were in the same classes, made friends and played happily together. Since then the School has grown and now includes complete high school training.
The division between Palestine and Israel hopefully is over, though it will take a long time for the wounds to heal. In the place of a separatist attitude that has held the world, as well as Palestine and Israel, hostages of fear and hatred. Palestinian nationhood is a step in the direction of a necessary unity of nations. No matter where we may live, the presence of friendly and cooperative neighbors is necessary for a good life.
Source : soulcenteredhealing.netWhat is needed now is the spirit of inclusiveness. For too long the world has allowed and glorified personal gain, acquisitiveness and possessions. The materialistic tendency now has a strangle hold on us and is threatening the human ability to evolve. The antidote is for humanity to recognize the higher Self and the ability to be inclusive and then use it constructively.
May Palestinian statehood be a significant positive step toward peace and quality human relations in the Middle East!

1981 United Nations Postage Stamp Sc 343
© Rebecca A Field.