Best Use of Atomic Energy
Even though more than a half century has gone by since the revolutionary discovery of releasing the energy of the atom, humanity still knows little about the scope and magnitude of these energies.
Each kind of atom is different from all the rest. Oxygen is different from phosphorous and nickel is far different from carbon.
The substance that makes up the earth contains many different elements and each has its own pattern, force and energetic quality.
According to the Tibetan the keynote of the New Age is the liberation of energy which has always been the major thrust of the spiritually oriented person.

Szilard and Einstein Together After the War
It has been almost 70 years since the Manhattan Project unleashed the power of the uranium atom. Liberation came about as the soul forces of the atom were set free. For matter itself it meant an initiation. For humanity it meant a parallel initiation or release of energy from the souls of humankind.
The liberation was nothing short of an initiatory process so vast, so powerful, so, immediate to the lives of people all over the world that it was a planetary initiation and affected raw substance as well as multitudes of human souls.
What is initiation but the revelation of greater light, a shift to a different and higher dimension?
Atomic matter all the way up the evolutionary ladder through the mineral, plant, animal and finally the human kingdom, was forced to let go of its energy and take the first steps toward an expansion of consciousness recognized as ‘the holy’.
It is a natural process that comes as a result of acquiring inner knowledge.
For the human it is a process that goes on over many lives as he or she moves from expansion to expansion, from polarization to unity, to the eternal Now.
With initiation comes the conscious ability to see, hear, synthesize, connect and understand the higher purpose of events and situations that preoccupy the human mind. Initiation naturally implies the ability to sacrifice to greater surrounding needs. It is one of the most constructive things humans experience.
To date most atomic energy has not been used constructively. Right use of the atom will inevitably come and will be used for the improvement of the human condition.
We know too well the horrendous effects of its use as a weapon. When humanity gains the wisdom to use atomic power as was intended—to help humanity grow spiritually, we will then use the truth wisely.
Let us use our power of imagination and visualization to bring about the right use of atomic power.
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Initiation Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, New York.
The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, New York.
© 2014 Rebecca Field