Can Business Be A Vision Pointing to the Future
Is there a connection between visions of the future and what humans do in the present?
Is there some kind of affiliation between the positive directing of ideas and visions of the future and creating probable actions in the human system?
Business is one of the social pillars that humanity now has to use to create a positive future. While the same is also true of politics, religion, education and science, business also has its place in bringing on a positive future as we labor to lift ourselves out of the morass of social problems we have created over the past thousand years or more.
Most of us can see that there is a huge shift occurring but few of us can yet see the outlines that will be a part of the future.
We have a lot of problem resolving to do to move out of the chaos, confusion and acute difficulties we are staggering through now.
We—the human race—is still not clear that the cause of things is the mind. Nor are we close to a clear understanding that we–each one of us—are active and potential participants who can create the future.
The future after all is a global phenomenon. It will be what our thoughts about it are!
We are facing an entirely different concept about the mind than we have had in past human history. We are also having to look at ourselves with different eyes.
Are we sinners or co-creators?
Are we going to continue to create massive deserts and deforest the land?
Are we going to create conditions which lead to drought? To wars? And mass murders?
Or are we going to realize that we no longer need to have these planetary and human horrors and have all the right equipment within ourselves to create sustainability and social justice?
The choice is up to us and each one of us must decide for herself or himself where their own energy will be put.
If we recognize that we are mental beings and are willing to vision and imagine, we can create together a world that we will all welcome as home and understand to be the result of hope.
If we are willing to explore a new hypothesis that business, with the most flexible organizational structures ever devised by humans, its creative and innovative power, its possibility of creating meaningful work, its technological developments, its predilection for practical entrepreneurship, non-stop learning, calculated risk-taking and the willingness to assume responsibility and realize that all these qualities of business are among great creative forces on the planet, then we are free to VISION and IMAGINE a future that works for all of us.
Are you willing to commit to Visioning and Imagining a positive future for everyone in every land and spend about one minute on it every day?
If you are then we face a glorious horizon!
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