A chapter of GREATNESS; 21 Compelling Stories That Open The Heart
Hope ________ HUNGER IN LENINGRAD Few who are now alive remember the siege of Leningrad. It was one of the most devastating massacres to occur during World War II or what the Soviets called ‘The Great War.’ Probably more than in any city in the Soviet Union, Leningrad suffered the most. What happened there has been condemned by most of the rest of the world as inhumane, an act of genocide. For the Nazi war machine, the strategy was figuratively to put a noose around the neck of the great city. This story is close to my heart because I had the good fortune to go to what was then the Soviet...
Read MoreGreatness in Forgiveness
Greatness in Forgiveness There are times in life when we all have to forgive. It is perhaps the hardest thing in the world to do because we have to sacrifice ourselves—the little ego that wants to be important, have its own way and to be recognized for its power and grandeur. We all recognize these attitudes, and, if we are wise we understand such states of mind. Unfortunately for humanity, the little ego is such a big part of who we are and the way we identify ourselves that it sticks to us like sticky fly-paper. It is hard to overlook its power and tenacity, its sheer love of itself and...
Read MoreInside Greatness : a Compelling Story About Forgiveness
The Importance of Stories in Our Lives Life itself is the all–absorbing, captivating and forceful terrain of our expressed experience. Others learn from experience through the stories they tell or hear. Our understanding of our own experience deepens as we share our encounters. As we bring forth the ancient Greek high sense of Oneness, we find it is comprised of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. There are also many other groups of three which have been guiding principles of human life through the ages like Faith, Hope, and Charity. Another is Will, Love-Wisdom and Creative Activity. Each aspect of...
Read MoreCompelling Stories That Open The Heart
Something New Is in the Air Do you remember that when you were a child your mother would cook or bake something she rarely made or even had never made before for dinner or to snack on? I remember several memorable things my mother made. One was banana fritters. She felt they were too greasy and I thought they were the best thing ever. But that was after the war was over—World War II that is! Another thing she enjoyed making was chocolate brownies, but they were proof that she loved chocolate. During the war when food was rationed, she somehow got hold of some East Indian curry and a page...
Read MoreUpcoming Book ‘Unwavering Strength’ with Judy O’Beirn and friends
I am happy to announce my participation, as a co-author, in the upcoming book Unwavering Strength which is a compilation of inspiring stories in which you can find strength and comfort through other people’s journeys experiencing grief, loss, trauma, heartache and challenging times. A percentage of the proceeds of the book will be donated to help families suffering through cancer pay for medical support, child care, experimental treatments, day to day care of their families, and even to help them achieve their bucket list through the Unwavering Strength Foundation. I was honored to be...
Read MoreTo Choose the Fire of the Cosmos
To Choose the Fire of the Cosmos Available on Amazon An inspiring book about how to partner with the Universe to reach a higher spiritual standard and move in the direction of practicing brotherhood for global understanding. To Choose the Fire of the Cosmos” by Dr. Rebecca Field is the book enabling us to fill spiritual vacuum inside of us. It shows us the wonderful possibility to build up an evocative life from any point of our personal development. This is a clear guide how to bring purpose and harmony to our chaotic life. Being from Ukraine I believe that this book can cross any...
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