Occupy Wall Street – Where Are the Occupiers?
Where Are the Occupiers? Only a few years ago steadfast members of Occupy Wall Street burst with the warmth of goodwill around the world. What happened to them? Where are they now? Thom Hartman said that the Occupy Movement is deeply and profoundly spiritual. Whether in New York, Sydney or London, Occupiers were focused on their mission. Many of them made huge sacrifices to gather together and make a protest where it counted. Their goal was to eradicate economic and political inequities. They saw that large corporations controlled the environment at a terrible cost to many people. They felt...
Read MoreBest Use of Atomic Energy
Best Use of Atomic Energy Even though more than a half century has gone by since the revolutionary discovery of releasing the energy of the atom, humanity still knows little about the scope and magnitude of these energies. Each kind of atom is different from all the rest. Oxygen is different from phosphorous and nickel is far different from carbon. The substance that makes up the earth contains many different elements and each has its own pattern, force and energetic quality. According to the Tibetan the keynote of the New Age is the liberation of energy which has always been the major...
Read MoreElephants As Individualized Creatures
Elephants As Individualized Creatures Animals have a profound interconnection with humans and appear to have individualized. It is definitely noticeable even in my chickens who are a delight! As a great lover of all animals, a really soft spot has developed in my heart for elephants. Care and concern for these huge animals has been encouraged and expanded by the newsletter from The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. For years the newsletter has brought Dulary and Minnie and the other “girls” home to me. For a short time I had an especially close connection to one of them. It didn’t last long...
Read MoreHierarchy Needs Humanity
Hierarchy Needs Humanity Every day humanity sees and understands more about the surrounding and indwelling spirit. Something wonderful and beautiful constantly bubbles forth from humanity and the Hierarchy watches as the light spreads. We are clearer about the love we render when we give of ourselves freely. We aspire to find the truth, and increasingly we make an effort to cooperate with one another. We serve in the best ways we know how and are capable of. We share as we are able and as our inner light directs us. Humanity is in the process of learning to make a distinction between a...
Read MoreWhat Is The New Age?
What Is the New Age? The term “New Age” has been around for a long time. It was a head-turner for the general public in the middle of the last century and may have been a topic of conversation a few centuries before that in very sparse and small groups. It is possible that with use its meaning has changed over time. However, as used here, the term “New Age” is full of many meanings, none of them “far out”, “flaky” or “airy fairy”. Three areas in particular are significant. They are: goodwill, quality human relations and service. Goodwill is the very human attempt to express the love of God....
Read MoreThe Call of the Paschal Mystery
The Call of the Paschal Mystery Passover and Easter are almost here. Not only is it time to think of gaily colored eggs, the paschal lamb, and the glories of spring, but also to consider the mystery that surrounds this most sacred time of the year. The paschal lamb is sacrificed to enable survival—the continuation of life, just as the Christ makes the choice to allow Himself to be sacrificed on Calvary. There is a mystery in this, something that is hard for humans to understand because we think we are isolated and separate. The fact is that we are not alone which leads to the fact that God...
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