Chaos and Order: Expressions of the Whole
Recent visits to the emergency room of a major hospital revealed the importance of chaos and order in the world.
Chaos and order give feedback and information to the other with the result that most patients are helped, healed and sent home to live a life of wholeness..
In the darkest sense chaos is not really very pretty. Lives hang in the balance as highly trained doctors, nurses and technicians work together in some unrecognizable way to figure out what a patient’s problem is. There is a definite order and purpose about the process.
If a patient is in the emergency room because he broke his arm, the solution is not hard. Set the bone, let it heal and beauty, grace and movement can be restored.
On a much larger scale millions of people sense the huge need humanity has to make itself whole and to heal its “broken arm.” Everywhere we turn and in every facet of human life, chaos is a major element of the day, a door leading to fear that evil forces thrive on and use to gain control of us. The evil is thinly spread around so that no one group, no one ideology, no one country, religion, political or belief system is completely to be blamed, isolated or punished.
Humanity is responsible to some extent for the fear. We have become complacent and self-satisfied. We have chosen not to think for ourselves nor to use our powers of discernment and discrimination. Instead we depend on canned entertainment, brutal sports, the sexy and glitzy for our fun.
It is time we put our muscle behind a different kind of thinking, feeling, and being—positive, compassionate and inclusive and move toward order and wholeness and a more beautiful way of living inclusive of both chaos and order.
It is up to us to know without shadow of doubt that we must replace the destructive and selfish in and around us with highly trained, well informed, thoughtful and wise people who are ready to work for a wholesome and ordered society.
Perhaps you know a few? After all, they are all around us. Can you say who they are and what they are doing? They are humanity’s substitute for chaos. They are the stalwart ones who bring order. They conceive, plan and act on ideas that have the potential to further our freedom and security, and offer their own special promise to the world.
Gradually humanity brings balance to a lop-sided world. Buddhists would likely see the change they bring as the practice of the Noble Middle Path. Christians might refer to it as active goodwill.
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© 2014, Rebecca Field