Did Democracy Win US Election?
by Rebecca A Field
People who live within ‘operating democracies’ have a legitimate concern that in their country democracy does not work as it should.
The reasons are many and are mainly exemplified by greed and utter lack of integrity.
For example:
– Some candidates launder drug-obtained money in off-shore accounts
– Portions of the population are racially discriminated against and have a difficult time casting their vote.
– Incumbent candidates demonstrate little care about the environment.
– The lower classes are saddled with paying more than their fair share of the taxes and the very wealthy pay very little.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written after World War II was over.
Those who wrote it meant it to be the stellar background against which a nation’s behavior could be calculated. Given this lofty intention, the people of the US can justly ask what the ultimate source of human rights is.
To those who recognize the spiritual aspect of human life, find that human rights originate with the One and that all sentient beings—including humans—are a manifestation of higher Purpose.
Naturally then, every person has worth on many levels. Article One of the Universal Declaration says, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” The statement is universal and includes all people everywhere in the world. It gives no concession to differences of any kind.
Yet there are those in political office who would separate and single out some the vast group of humanity. Holding high offices they feel that they have the privilege to have things that others don’t. To justify themselves, they make up their own rules.
Human leaders have made up decrees and statutes that they have seen used for thousands of years. They create a milieu in which the fittest can survive, They forget that all humans have the inherent capability to express something greater and should be allowed and encouraged to do so.
Such leaders—and they are rife in the current US political system—want to discriminate certain people out of the society because of their race, religion, degree of wealth and their sex.
The American people generally have a different attitude. It parallels and sustains the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many of the American people realize, as people do all over the world, that the soul is the factor that makes us truly human.
May the soul reign in politics, democracies and elections!