Emotional Control
When a person begins to consciously deal with his spiritual growth all kinds of things happen. One of the first things s/he must do is to determine areas of strength and weakness, especially in the emotional area.
S/he has to discover what kinds of things trigger the emotions, what the emotions are and how deep they go into the life experience. For instance, if s/he is shattered by emotional sensitivity and the mind is not as strong as the emotions a good look at the emotions can be helpful.
Recently a man who had cancer came to me. He could find no hope anywhere. He lamented that he had tried everything and his blood was still not quite right and the last signs of the cancer were still present. With a psychologist he had tried his best to face the facts about himself.
He thought he had let it all go but still the cancer persisted. He was afraid of death and couldn’t think of anything else except dying. Fear of death is the reason people feel anxious and fearful. He had totally lost sight of the possibility of wholeness. He was afraid to be vulnerable and could hardly look at himself from within. He forgot that no matter what he was an impermanent fixture in the world.
Love is, of course, the great healer of negative emotions, but if the emotions are too strong love can be distorted. In some cases even love when overdone smothers others. In other cases a person can’t get out of his own way and love openly and genuinely.
Later on when the mind becomes stronger it radiates such a powerful energy that it manages the emotions and reorganizes the emotional or astral field.
Another stage of the spiritual path is when a person recognizes his soul and allows it to pour its love into the emotions. Eventually the energy of love replaces emotional sensitivity or hopelessness.
Modern psychologists have originated many tools and techniques that can help a person substitute a positive feeling for a negative emotion.
Inspired by Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, pp. 99-100.
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Rebecca A Field
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