Hierarchy Needs Humanity
Every day humanity sees and understands more about the surrounding and indwelling spirit. Something wonderful and beautiful constantly bubbles forth from humanity and the Hierarchy watches as the light spreads.
We are clearer about the love we render when we give of ourselves freely. We aspire to find the truth, and increasingly we make an effort to cooperate with one another. We serve in the best ways we know how and are capable of. We share as we are able and as our inner light directs us.
Humanity is in the process of learning to make a distinction between a greater light and a smaller light, whether it be from another person, ideal or idea or even a situation. It is a little like triage whose purpose is to decide which ill or injured people need help first and distinguish those who can wait before being treated from those who need immediate care, except that we are dealing with a very different level of reality. In humanity’s case, we must distinguish where the light is greater and then act accordingly.
We must decide what our dharma or personal responsibility is and carry it out to the best of our ability.
If we are active in a group, we have to weigh the importance of group work with individual needs and demands. In short we are called on to understand essentials and non-essentials and then act accordingly.
A spiritual teacher said that “…there are things we have to do alone.” Birth and death are examples. But other things come up in life that must be done without help or aid from any side. There are some things in which no one may intrude including a Master or a teacher and the reason is because they cannot—must not—get in our way in order that the experience will not lose its richness.
After all the encounter can carry both light and love for you and others. An example, could be that no one other than a star–performer, like a violin virtuoso, can play at a concert that features her or him as the soloist. She or he must do it alone.
The ability to remain quiet and practice serenity is often a great service to another. It can be a demonstration of love and love above all is what we all must pay attention to at this time. These are some of the things Hierarchy looks for in humanity.
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Rebecca Field April, 2014
Beautiful Rebecca. Thank you for deep spirituality. See you next week at Ann’s.