How about a Movement to Slow the Pace of Life
If you remember the Lorians and their work at Findhorn, you’ll remember Freya Secrest who wrote an interesting article about slow spirituality in the Lorian Association Newsletter for February 16, 2013.
She reveals her interest in the slow food movement, a philosophical viewpoint described by Prof. Guttorm Floistad with the assertion that
“In order to master changes, we have to discover slowness.”
With change all around us and within us, perhaps slowing down is the answer to the way we can not only help change along but also integrate change more easily and even more quickly.
As we slow down, there is time to catch up with our thoughts and the important heart stuff that goes on within.
In fact, a friend told me that she and her husband were going to move to Ecuador. Was I surprised!
She had an awakening experience standing on a mountainside in Ecuador at a fairly high elevation of between 7,000–8,000 feet. She suddenly realized she was being called to move there.
Before they left Ecuador, they bought the parcel of land she was standing on when she realized that to go forward spiritually she had to move there. She and her husband also found a contractor to build a nice home.
They are now living in Ecuador.She can continue her business in Ecuador, since all the wiring and electronics to do an international business are in and available.
I talked to her about after they had moved to Ecuador and she couldn’t believe how different the pace of life was. There was no hurry there. Few autos, plenty of time to walk wherever you have to go. She most marveled that there was time to meditate, to talk to her husband, and to learn Spanish.
Knowing her and her spiritual mindset, she has learned to slow down and let the extraneous go so that she has time for more important things.
The question is, can those of us who live in congested cities, slow down, integrate the changes we experience in the world and maintain a state of serenity?
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Rebecca A Field
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