New Style of Business Person Arises
Every person we meet can teach us something of value!
It is an honor to introduce you to a man I recently met who embodies and practices a new business ethic, a value system born of years of meditation and of pain.
He is unbelievably sensitive to what others are experiencing interiorily. The immediacy of his laughter lightens every moment.
I showed him my media kit and told him I didn’t think it sparkled much. After all, I thought media people and producers were interested in pizzazz and sparkle.
Was I ever wrong!
I was looking for somebody with Public Relations experience who could give me some good suggestions about how to improve my media kit.
He told me he wasn’t impressed by media kits, didn’t use them and put them on a shelf somewhere and let them gather dust.
As a producer he has had a lot of experience with people and choosing ones he thinks would be good to interview on television.
He tries to meet people face to face and with his rarified sense of humor he is able to make people laugh and relax so the authentic shows up.
For a long time being authentic has been a mode of being that I have admired and respected along with the quality of wisdom. Both authenticity and wisdom are fairly rare qualities in America where I live. Indeed those two wonderful qualities are to be found, but they seem to be exceptional.
As I cast back over a fairly long life, I can count five people I have met along the way that I would consider authentic. I have been all over the world and in many kinds of situations and have probably met thousands and thousands of people because as a networker I have met many people.
Five people out of thousands I have known prove that this quality does, indeed, exist. It is also very uncommon and still extraordinary.
Women and men, alike, who are willing to listen. They give you who they really are as they refresh, renew and recreate in themselves the desert flower that blooms only after a rare heavy rain.
Authentic people have an ability to pause momentarily and listen to the truth that bubbles within them and in another and share their heart with gentleness and kindness as my new found friend did this morning.
Authenticity has become such a special quality to me that I want to share the exceptional dimensions of it.
Like wisdom, authenticity is a quality that stands out because the light of the Buddha and the love of the Christ are strong and unmistakable in those who are authentic.
Yes, that’s it! Authenticity and wisdom are utterly honest ways of being and they are expressions of willingness to accept the responsibility to change themselves if they find it necessary.
In business situations authentic people are appropriate. All they need is enough. They are not greedy. They live to help others. They gently express the truth that’s within them and seek, as my new-found friend does, to be sensitive and truthful and acknowledge the divine Presence within another.
What a great way to be for the new style of business person! And new planetary energies seem to call for it!
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Rebecca Field
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