Peace Day 2012
Brotherhood: Secret for Making the Equinox a Real Peace Day
Rebecca A Field
International Peace Day is now celebrated annually on the 21st of September, roughly the day of the equinox. Peace has always been a longing of my heart along with the aching yearning in the hearts of millions of people all over the world. During the long and dark days of World War II, my eagerness for peace was poignant. It seemed that peace would never come, but at long last peace did come, only to be followed by other wars.
The world couldn’t seem to remove itself from problems, clashes, struggles and wars. Here we are in 2012 with nearly every social system on the planet in trouble. Almost every country desperately tries to flex its muscles, to be free, independent and in charge of itself. But perhaps that isn’t the way it really is right now. We may still have lessons to learn.
Looking at the meaning of peace, it must be more than the absence of war and violence. With national, racial and ethnic clashes abounding all over the world, peace has to be defined in larger terms. What we are looking for at the root of peace is brotherhood.
Once we can get to the quiet and calm that is within, the instinctual memory and the imagination that foresees rise and for many can also cause worry, concern, and even angst. The soul is the singular factor that can help us overcome the problems that press in on all of us at this time. So what can we do to bring peace and brotherhood?
Just moving ahead with the idea of brotherhood and its power can change the tenor of communication between people and the politicians who would govern them. It would begin to solve the bitterness between nations, between the rich and the poor and between the races. The simple idea of trying to remember that brotherhood hasn’t yet really been tried enmasse could help peace emerge. What is lacking is our will to implement brotherhood. The secret is to remember that the same blood flows in all our veins and that we are one.
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