A Perspective on The Current Crisis – Part III
by Rebecca A Field
No system of truth, whether it be ideational, idealistic or sensate is completely correct, nor does any one of them alone offer the solutions necessary to meet and overcome all human problems. It is like phases of the moon when the whole moon is visible, but only a part of it has the sun shining on it.
When one system becomes overly dominant as the sensate has now become, the sensory elements take over to the detriment of the ideation and idealistic elements that are present. Our senate social structure, as good as it is, is lopsided and does not include the validity of the positive aspects of the two other truth systems.
What happens then?
We see our sensate world increasingly unable to meet the current challenges in human living.
Whether the modern world realizes it or not, we face atrophy and final societal death due to our values or we acknowledge the need for a shift. I believe that a good large section of humanity understands the need for change. It feels like we are beyond correcting the sensate system and must adapt by shifting to another system of truth.
So the question is what are we going to replace the current system with or are we going to annihilate ourselves in social and cultural terms?
Humans are amazingly adaptable, creative and open. My best guess, and that is all it is, is that we are rapidly moving toward an idealistic social expression
Rest assured that even though the world has adopted a sensate value system with its accompanying values, humanity is not going to disappear.
Because humans are still so subject to fear, it must be clear that the end of the sensate system is not the end of culture or of civilization or life on earth.
It is merely a passing phase and will come around again sometime in the future. We currently experience the disintegration of the sensate phase.
No worries something will replace it!
Pitirim Sorokin spent a lot of his life trying to ascertain which system of truth would replace the sensate. It was only near the end of his life that he could say with any certitude that it would be the idealistic approach to truth and culture.
In the area of philosophy, he predicted that the Copernicuses, Newtons and Darwins would be replaced by the Platos and Confuciuses of a new era of idealistic values. Empiricism, nihilism and existentialism would be replaced. We can now see people appear on the horizon who favor the Absolute and ideational ways of thinking. Remember, we need them all to come into balance.
All three systems of truth have their poison, their dead-ends and horrors and equally they provide humanity with great boons and utter glories to life as the Golden Age of Greece did with Socrates, Plato and Pericles. The Renaissance did the same a few centuries ago.
We all live in perhaps in the most troubled times that humankind has ever known. What we face is extraordinary! May we all understand it as good, and necessary in spite of appearances to the contrary and carry it forward as the seed necessary for a beautiful, brilliant and dynamic future. And may we love our way through the transition.
Afterword: Pitirim Sorokin’s system of societal truth is one of many. The author chose it because it is more consist with the Ancient Wisdom where cycles are recognized and appreciated and it admits Absolute truth as a possible evolutionary stimulus.
Based on: Sorokin. Pitirim, The Crisiis of Our Age; E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1941.