Questions about the Inner Journey
So often we think we are only the personality with body, outworn and too familiar emotions, and a mind that can pull the world to bits. Ah, we think we have everything with a personality that functions well in the world!
Nevertheless, we have two parts to our being. There is no doubt that one part is the personality. Let’s be grateful for it as it serves us well in daily living. The other part of who we are is the higher self, the soul. The vantage point of the soul is vastly different from that of the personality. The soul wants us to answer–really answer–from its high vantage point three questions.
The first is, “Who am I”?
What are the energies that run through me? Do they manifest in my life on a repeated basis? What am I doing to serve the world? What is my goal? What do I want to do with my life?
The second great question is, “What am I doing here or what should I be doing with my life and am I doing it”? The second of life’s major questions has to do with your purpose. What are you aware of that is calling you. Did you have a lovely childhood experience that was an utter delight?
The last question is very practical and grounded. It is, “What am I doing about it?”
Other ways of asking the same question can be, How am I doing what I came to do? Does it make me happy—really happy—when I do it? What actions am I taking or will I take to fulfill a long held dream?

Source: www.flickr.com/photos/pictoquotes/11566852385/
One American woman had a childhood dream that she would go to Africa and build a girls’ school there. The years came and went. She had a family and put her children through various different universities. She helped her cancer ridden husband and finally laid him to rest. She taught high school math for years and still this little childhood dream lingered in her heart.
After she retired from teaching, the old dream reasserted itself. She investigated possibilities but doubted that she was ready to undertake anything like building a girls’ school in Africa. But finally the dream—the longing to serve—became so great that she took a huge risk and went to Kenya.
It turned out that she had unknowingly made almost all of the right connections and within two years of two month long stays there, she built, with the financial help of friends in America, a wonderful school for over 200 girls in the Naivasha area—elementary school through high school.

Source: mollytravels.wordpress.com
What a tremendous achievement! Her gift will go on giving, and enabling and empowering girls in Africa to get the education they need to survive, help their families and the people in their community and nation and beyond.
Have a wonderful day and do give your soul the time and space to talk to you. It will you know.
PS: I’d love to connect with you on Facebook and have you join my network on LinkedIn !
Rebecca A Field
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