Reflections on Peace of Spirit: The Transformation of Anger
An evolutionary task for humanity is to deal wisely with negative emotions which can be the starting point of disease and discomfort.
Disease occurs because, according to the Tibetan, D.K., the etheric body can so easily be whooshed into motion by the emotional body.
When the emotional body becomes agitated, as it does when one is angry, stressed or worried, astral or emotional energy pours through the solar plexus center and stimulates that center into extreme commotion.
The problem then affects the internal organs, especially the stomach, gall bladder, and pancreas. Criticism, abhorrence, loathing and the tendency to judge can incur physical illnesses that are related to desire. (Note 1)
Anger has tremendous energy and can lead to depression and illness. The problem is that we rarely really look at anger or other strong emotions. Powerful emotions need to be acknowledged with full consciousness and intention.
A way to deal with anger is to feel the energy and the sensations of anger. Let yourself be deliberate about being mindful of the emotion. Mindfulness is a mental tool that has a lot of light. With persistence in using a mindful attitude with anger, renunciation eventually flows in and brings peace.
It is hard at first to see the gift of renunciation. Eventually it brings a surprising gift of hope and the understanding that irascibility or deeply seated anger accomplishes nothing. While anger is a way of venting pain, it is also futile.
Pema Chodron expresses it well, explaining that:
“One has to give up hope that this way of thinking (anger) will bring satisfaction. Suffering begins to dissolve when we can question the belief or the hope that there’s anywhere to hide.” When Things Fall Apart, Pema Chodron, Shamballa, 2005
The anywhere to hide goes with the hope that you can create pain and suffering for the object of your anger. There is a momentary short-sighted vision in a fit of anger of having the immense power to completely destroy whatever or whomever the anger is pointed at.
But what is the attachment beyond all this huge effort we expend in becoming irate. After all we have no control over the misbehavior of a computer, for instance. That infuriates the little ego!
Knowing all this we can keep on being angry or give up, let it all go and relax.
The small self wants to be right at any cost. We try to protect and hide the vulnerability where the pain is—the irritant.
Doing this exercise over and over will eventually give the understanding that the anger is a path to wisdom.
Persist with it until wisdom and self-compassion is the pearl of great price. Return to it again and again.
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Inspired by the website: Spirit of Peace person to person for peace by Jane Ozanne, Founder. Spirit of Peace
1. Esoteric Healing, pp. 38-39, Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company and Lucis Trust
When Things Fall Apart, Pema Chodron, Shamballa, Boston, 2005,
Rebecca Field
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