“What is your fascination with seeds all about anyway?”
They come in such odd shapes and sizes, even in an array of colors which are usually subtle as each seed dresses differently.
Seeds represent life and the great potential of life itself.
Did you know that in a spiritual sense, the plant kingdom is the most advanced when compared to the mineral, animal and human kingdoms?
The seed for the giant redwood tree continually gives pause. Each seed starts encased in a very small redwood cone. It falls to the ground and dries up. As the cone dries the seeds, encased in a flat, paper-like substance contain the real seed.
How amazing nature is!
The tiny redwood seed is hardly the size of the sharp point of a needle, and barely as long as the straight line in the letter “e” that you see here.
Take a good look because this very tiny seed grows some of the largest living creatures on earth and I have the great privilege of being able to look out my office window to a young redwood tree.
It has gained its height in relatively few years—certainly no more than thirty! That’s about how long it takes a human to grow from conception to adulthood.
I had the luxury of watching the redwood being planted. At that time it was a knee-high, very slender almost-twig that peered up at the sky seemingly wanting to touch it.
Now the trunk is well over an arm’s length in diameter and soars about five and a half times higher than a one storey house. It’s still just a baby and is taller than most other varieties of trees.
Devas that live in and around the tree protect and nourish it at higher levels it.
The result at the human level is a community of people who live in relative peace and harmony. The effect on the plant kingdom in the area is abundant and easy plant growth.
Devas are those marvelous subtle beings who give life and energy to every kind of sentient life-form. In a sacrificial way their life moves through life forms from the human to mineral.
They bring the sun’s heat in just the right amount to the bodies of the members of all the kingdoms.
They cause the radiation of energy from all life forms just as they also support and maintain all life forms.
Devas are closely related to the evolutionary process and mark their presence by achieving results through the creative abilities of the various kingdoms they inhabit making us aware that within the seed is the eternal unfolding of a continuously increasing power to respond to, by and for all living things.
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© 2014 All rights reserved. Rebecca Field