Something New Is in the Air
Do you remember that when you were a child your mother would cook or bake something she rarely made or even had never made before for dinner or to snack on?
I remember several memorable things my mother made. One was banana fritters.
She felt they were too greasy and I thought they were the best thing ever.
But that was after the war was over—World War II that is! Another thing she enjoyed making was chocolate brownies, but they were proof that she loved chocolate.
During the war when food was rationed, she somehow got hold of some East Indian curry and a page with a few recipes for curry dishes.
At that time most Americans had not been to India and had never tasted or eaten real curry. As she was cooking, the pungent foreign odor of the curry filled the house. The sweet smell of the spice so captivated me that I could hardly wait for dinner.
But my parents found the curry dish unpalatable and my mother told my father and me that she would throw out the curry and never cook anything with curry again, to my disappointment!
Many years later when I went to India, where the Indians really knew how to cook with this healthful seasoning, I was able to savor it and fall in love with it all over again!
Believe it or not, my third book will soon be out!
This one is a departure from To Choose the Fire of the Cosmos and The Great Invocation: A Handbook.
I am quite excited about this new book of compelling stories and vignettes about greatness. Some are stories I have heard others tell and others are personal, but they all have some universal qualities which most readers will immediately recognize and appreciate. One of my favorites is a very tender true story about a hummingbird.
I tell you all this because it takes time and thought to write a book. My hope is that you will be inspired by the stories and find comparable anecdotes in your own life that have grist for your learning and pondering. Perhaps like my editor suggests, you will decide to write some of your own stories as a legacy.
I would really appreciate it if you would drop me a short email with a word or two and tell me if a book of compelling stories about greatness would be appealing to you.
Would you read it? Do you like to read short stories about people or animals? Can you say why or why not? Why do you like short stories?
Thanks everybody!
My email address is: rebecca@fieldonline.org
2018 UPDATE: My book is now available on Amazon.
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© 2016 All rights reserved Rebecca Field