If you ever saw one of the Kennedys or Thatchers of the world in action or speaking before the public, you would have seen a man or woman who had become a magnet to other people.
There are those who develop their own magnetic vibration and draw into their influence those they can serve.
Some hold major public offices. Others are people who take responsibility in smaller ways for others. As they work to help others, they gain trust. They cooperate with the Plan.
Some are teachers or leaders. Others are not because they are not yet so spiritually magnetic. Their soul-driven love makes them work in a way that gives people hope.
Those who are seriously on the spiritual path now face a huge opportunity because of the tremendous crisis now occurring all over the world.
Three kinds of spiritual people are working at the present time.
The first group consists of workers who are sensitive to ideas and are able to create forms through which the Hierarchy can express its intentions.
Lech Walesa may have been such a person when he committed to and expanded the idea of worker solidarity when shipyard workers in Gdansk went on strike back in 1976.
Another spiritual group links the Masters to aspirants and disciples or more advanced students.
The third group is the Masters themselves.
Those who produce sacred ideas and works for the Hierarchy to use volunteer to do this kind of work because they realize the present and future need of humanity and they make an inner pledge to serve as they are able.
The second group, which is able to link Hierarchy and those members of humanity who can do certain kinds of work, are the intermediaries for working out the plan. They are ready to go anywhere when requested. They serve with their wisdom and experience using their skills and capabilities to work in the great field of human life.
Some work to increase magnetic attraction to those centers in which the spiritual force of the Aquarian Age can freely move perhaps like Occupy Wall Street which rapidly became a planetary outcry or possibly the Idle No More movement which originated with the First Nations of Canada.
At this critical time, the spiritual student is aware of the supreme effort the Hierarchy is making to further the Plan. They work with complete surrender, interest and devotion to the cause as they understand it. They prepare the ground so that future efforts of the Hierarchy will be adequate in times of emergency.
The third group, the Masters and their cooperating initiates work largely on inner levels. Their activities are largely mental and they use thought scientifically. They use impression to influence those who work closely with them. They also use tools that have been developed in East and West to enable students to cooperate and exchange of wisdom and knowledge with others.
The disciple must also understand the state of emergency the world is now in. The crisis is everywhere and encompasses every dimension of human and planetary life. The crisis at hand must be viewed as an opportunity. In higher terms the battle is between the holistic energies of the soul and the lower nature.
Most people who want to help in the present global emergency must be prepared to take on a larger effort. These dedicated students work cooperatively with other groups and strengthen their work. Where possible they share resources.
*Above are some of the Tibetan’s ideas about effective discipleship.
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Rebecca A Field
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