Taking Quality Relationships Seriously
The illness and death of my husband of 55 years has precluded my writing anything for my readers for a while.
I regret that I could not get anything out to you during this time. My remarkable, brilliant and attentive virtual assistant Janice Dugas, from Majalis Social Media Services based in Quebec, Canada whom is also known in stamp collecting circles as the Queen of Topical Stamp Collecting, has helped me through this life adventure at many levels. So Janice I want particularly to thank you for your concern and caring and for your extra hard work during the time I have had to be absent.
Perhaps it was watching my two sons care lovingly and tenderly for their father that the subject of quality relationships is so centered in my awareness right now.
Certainly my life-long spiritual teacher, D.K. finds right human relationship to be the central principle that humanity must now pay attention to and consciously work on in order for us to make necessary changes and get ourselves out of the mire that we have created.
Out of the current morass that extends throughout the planet, clearly D.K. has a point that is worth doing something about.
Every single one of us is involved in finding the answer in actions we take to create good human relations. No one is exempted from the responsibility.
This one most important facet of our lives —the people who surround and deeply touch our lives–even to the strangers we pass on a busy street have something, that like a spider, they must spin out of themselves to help solve the problem.
The most important thing we can do is to practice goodwill — that is, to BE goodwill in action in everything we do, say and think. Until we are able to habituate ourselves to the practice of goodwill, peace will be elusive.
Humanity desperately wants peace and we are unfortunately far from it at this time.
A friend explained it well, when she told me that she looks for expressions of soul energy when she is in the presence of others. She said that she inevitably found them, even when she worked with groups of serious law offenders.
What does she find? She said she sees the Christ or the Buddha principle inevitably showing up in people. She opens a magazine or a newspaper and recognizes a picture of a total stranger as her brother and her heart swells with compassion for him.
Creating right human connections —no matter what the kinship is— whether it is with self, family, community, other kingdoms of nature, or with Mother Earth herself, the soul — our heart centeredness–is what makes all great relationships possible.
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.Rebecca Field 3/19/2014
Thank you, Rebecca, for all the good you have spun out of yourself for us, your readers, even in this time of heartache. Wishing you solace and strength.
My heartfelt gratitude for this pivotal and inspiring post…we are indeed bound to one another by the Beauty of our common Humanity. Thank you so much for shining your light.
Good written!
All the best
Hi Rebecca, Thank you so much for this article and for sharing from your heart. Love, Cathie