The Age of Cooperation
“Idle No More” is a movement on fire. There is resistance up north and it is spreading to the United States and beyond!
First Nation people and white Canadians have captured the feeling of discontent and dissent regarding the waste, corruption and injustice that goes on in government and in a society dominated by big corporations.
Every hour the movement grows and shifts and changes a little.
Recent events in Canada show how much First Nation people need the rest of the Canadian populace to back the protest.
Three principles standout as being practical in times of great social unrest: sharing, cooperation and responsibility. They are the soul-size principles that account for both sides of the social equation.
Sharing as a principle, takes into account mistakes that have occurred on all sides of a question. Just blaming a government only goes so far, because the people are the government.
Cooperation is an energetic quality that is useful when a problem cannot be solved with the will-to-good. Its forerunner is goodwill, a feature that feeds understanding and furthers the principle of cooperation. At its core, cooperation is the seed of quality human relationships.
People rarely realize the power of the blood connection that relates all of us. When we remember the power of the blood relationship, it can eradicate barriers and eliminate separative attitudes and hatred. The peace and joy of each one of us should be a major concern for all of us. The principle of responsibility is the result of wholesome concern for others and the basis of quality group life.
May the ideals of planetary concern, social equality, justice and honesty be broadcast from the hearts of our Canadian neighbors so that these energies ignite a higher quality of life for all in Canada and beyond!
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Rebecca A Field
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