The Last Chess Piece – The Movement of Evolution
“Honor the highest truth in the universe; it is the power on which all things depend: it is the light by which the whole of life is guided. Honor the Highest within yourself: For it too is the power on which all things depend and the light by which the whole of life is guided.”
–Marcus Aurelius, from “Meditations”
The best answer to the hatred, chaos, wars, climate change, economic uncertainty, the faltering of democracy and the ugliness and cruelty of mass incarceration, lies in the human ability to understand, see, grasp and apply two fundamental ideas:
– >one that humans have evolved spiritually to the point that we can consciously aid, implement and direct, at least to some extent, the movement of our evolution and that of other creatures on this planet and the planet itself through purpose, compassion and activities that are intended to solve a problem like mass incarceration.
– >the other is that we also have the responsibility to make the earth a place where all people have the possibility and universally recognized right to be happy—even joyful.
Imagine! It has taken humanity over a quarter of a million years to arrive at this point in consciousness.
What a stunning achievement!
The following story of two young fish swimming together upstream describes our dilemma.
After swimming for some time together, they saw an old grandfather fish swimming toward them.
When the old fish got near enough that they could hear, he shouted with a smile, “How’s the water?”
Not understanding the two small fish kept swimming and said nothing to one another, until one finally broke his wonderment, and asked, “What is water?”
That is figuratively to say, “Our whole environment is in trouble. We have become so accustomed to it that we no longer recognize and respond appropriately to it.”
Nevertheless, humanity—all of us—are being forced by the events going on around and within us to make a leap in consciousness, an immense evolutionary leap.
Humankind has made these leaps before, for instance, when we stopped being hunters and gatherers and took on farming as a way of life.
Conditions are so different now than at that time, and humanity is so much more conscious now, no one knows what direction the change we face is going to take.
We could completely destroy ourselves, or because of the development of our hearts and minds, we might choose to transform every facet of life on earth so that honor, respect, justice and kindness become the standards for human happiness.
The latter kind of evolutionary movement will be characterized by a new and more creative way of life that will embody a more balanced understanding of the sacred and its presence in all facets of our lives.
Everything is an embodiment or expression of the Divine, evidence that we are all connected and related.
Optimism is strong with its life affirming attitude but very fragile, and, in some mysterious way, we’ll all be a part of the choice to leap for total destruction and annihilation or we’ll rise to the beckoning of the sacred, which we have all but forgotten.
Reverberations resulting from a light and love will bring a positive attitude all over the world. However, unless many of us begin to vision and imagine the details every day, it will never happen.
The attitude and practice of compassion is inevitable and will prevail when humanity recognizes even larger issues that will further our evolution.
As we climb the evolutionary ladder we learn that every living person has a purpose which is founded on the recognition of the inner presence of the Divine and the outer practice of love.
For some the time for acting to correct to the current malaise lies in the far future, and for others the time is now to get the human ego out of the way and transfer the amazing range of energies we are born with, to end our lives of self-centeredness and open the windows of our consciousness to higher energy.
In doing so some people have found that they carry themselves and others to a magnificent spiritual achievement. Some who have realized this state of being are: Jesus the Christ, Gautama the Buddha with less significant examples like Sri Aurobindo, Paramahansa Yogananda, Mother Teresa and many others from every part of the world, every religious, political, and economic persuasion, and both sexes.
Evolutionary progress in every phase of human living is an expression of the Divine. Plato referred to it as Truth, Beauty and Goodness.
The evolutionary process happens every day right in front of us and we rarely notice it because it is a very slow and gradual process until it gets to cataclysmic size!
For example almost everyone everywhere in the world was aware of the catastrophic tsunami that hit Japan.
Evolution is an operating law of the cosmos, and a law of cosmic magnitude. It is simply a spiritual purpose or direction.
The purpose is for humankind to find sacred meaning within situations, and events. The growing tip is that events around us have spiritual meaning.
It is still hard for many people to find the higher focus amidst guiding events as we know them.
All events that occur around us, no matter where we live in the world, can be seen as having an evolutionary reason and that reason, no matter how just or apparently unjust, how apparently intimidating or encouraging, or how attractive or apparently repugnant, there is a wise evolutionary purpose behind it.
Much of human spiritual evolutionary growth depends upon our ability to see events in terms of our spiritual understanding and wise and compassionate response to them.
Indeed, it is a very difficult thing to find equitable reasons, solutions or transformations for such things as mass incarceration.
However, it serves as a learning ground, not only for those individuals who become directly involved with it, but also for an entire nation and even people beyond the event’s borders.
Even though many people feel the extreme pressure of the times, we all need to stop and ask, as Grandfather Fish did, “How’s the water?”
Are we asking the necessary beautiful question?Are we finding the richness of meaning that is possible?
The Middle-East seems to be a boiling cauldron of hostilities. Out of the crisis of clashes between races in America a renaissance is coming.
The history of human life on every continent for the last five thousand years has had its awakenings.
There is every reason to know that it will happen again—and in America!
Then the races will come to appreciate, respect and know, beyond any shadow of doubt, the purpose, measure of love of our sisters and brothers and the contributions they lovingly and willingly make.
In time the clarity of this vision within all of us will propel us, together—no matter what our race is–to ever greater personal and group achievements.
Rebecca Field
Communicator, Evolutionary Cosmologist & International Humanitarian Networker
Author of the book ‘To Choose the Fire of the Cosmos‘ with a foreword by the Dalai Lama
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