The Power of Goodwill

Source: virgomagic.com
The full moon of the Festival of Goodwill which occured on Friday May 24th at 9:25 pm PDT in 2013, brought us the power of the mind and the promise of humanity’s will-to-good. It was a Super Moon, as astronomers call it, because the moon was closest to the earth (perigee) and at syzygy, in a straight line with the Sun and the Earth. It was all the third full moon in a row with an eclipse. [Note1]
Syzygy is the nearly straight-line configuration or alignment of three celestial bodies, such as the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon. A new moon syzygy occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth (Sun-Moon-Earth). A full moon syzygy occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun (Sun-Earth-Moon).
All the celestial activity intensified and affected electromagnetic energy on the Earth. It highlighted the energies of Gemini and Sagittarius. Not only were the tides and the techtonic plates of the Earth affected but the full moon also affected human awareness.[Note2] It was also the Buddha’s birthday. A lot went on in the heavens and on Earth and millions of people celebrated the Buddha’s birth. It is also known as the Festival of Goodwill because it celebrates the spirit of humanity which always moves toward God.[Note3]

Source: judithrich.com
The spirit of humanity wants to be in synch with the will of God. In spite of the fact that we have created so many problems all over the world does not in the least negate the fact humanity generally strives to be loving and kind.[Note4]
As the dominant creatures on the planet, there is something in us that calls us to try to express the best that’s in us…call it the Will of God or whatever you want. Over large spans of time humanity makes spiritual progress! In the future the Festival of Goodwill will be a time when the spiritual and divine nature of humankind will be recognized and celebrated. [Note4]
The Festival is celebrated even now, as it has been for the last 2,000 years, as the Christ gives the last sermon of the Buddha to an audience made up of the planetary Hierarchy, New World Servers, and others. It is even noted in Romans viii: 29.
It is and will be a celebration of profound invocation and summons of human energy and for using the power of the goodwill for taking its place in the cosmic order and of practicing brotherhood and unity among ourselves.
In time the Festival of Goodwill will represent the effect of the work of the Buddha and the Christ on humankind. We will at last take our place as the agents of the Hierarchy and we will lovingly and wisely serve each other and the other kingdoms in nature. Then shall humanity truly use the power of goodwill!
* * *Notes* * *
1. Eco-Astrology: Gemini-Sagittarius Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company, p. 421.
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