The Christmas Season Is About Joy
Yes, truly the Christmas season is about joy! And it is also about light. The solstice brings the huge change from darker and shorter days to longer and brighter days. Let’s be happy about it! Let’s even give ourselves the chance for an attitudinal adjustment from dark to light. In a very real way happiness is the forerunner of joy, just as joy precedes the state of bliss.
Just as we learn to hold the tension of joy through the activity of the will and fill ourselves with joy’s bounty, we must remember that joy infused by will is unbreakable, immovable, steadfast, dependable and persistent no matter what happens, what situation arises or who comes along at any given moment. We are able to maintain a constant and permanent state of joy.
It is not impossible. It is very possible, even inevitable.
Once we understand that joy is a means to the stabilization of our being in the light of That which is higher, and the ease of that state, we actually experience a state probably somewhat similar to fish when they found they could come out of the water and live on the land. It was, is and will be a totally new environment, entirely different and in some ways easier to live in than the watery environment they were used to.
Like the fish who became amphibians or creatures who lived entirely on the land, joy is there because there is triumph, far greater than success but the sure inner and outer experience of triumph, that singular mental state that remembers the failures, disappointments, inevitable discouragement of the previous state.
Once we are able to reach the state of joy and forget the pain and disillusionment of the past and learn to rely on joy, as we are intended to, then light joins joy to create an unwavering depth that enables us to grow more surely upon the evolutionary path.
Happiness arises with humans out of the cravings of the desire body. Joy emerges from the next higher level of spiritual evolution which is joy.
Joy is solid and deep, a far more permanent state of being than happiness.
The state of happiness, purely a sentient state of awareness, acts as our teacher, one upon which we may lean when the going gets tough.
The soul, with its positive nature initiates joy.
Gradually the personality, strengthened by the soul, stabilizes the attitude of happiness until it is ready to move forward into joy, just as joy eventually stabilizes and becomes a constant, the movement into bliss becomes the next step in evolution.
At the level of light filled joy, humanity is able to put down and leave behind the feeling of inferiority and being a victim.
In its place there is unmistakable greatness, joy, and triumph. That is the season of light and joy!
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Rebecca Field
PS: Very soon, it looks like sometime in January, my newest book will be out. Unlike its predecessors, it is a book of very short stories, some that have come from the lives of others and who have been willing to share as well as a few experiences from my own life. GREATNESS: 21 Compelling Stories That Open the Heart will be out as an electronic book and in a paperback edition. Stay tuned!
PS2: To discover previously published books click here.
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All rights reserved © 2016 Rebecca Field