The Seventh Ray Today
Source: www.sevenray.netLook around you and see that the seventh ray is a powerful factor in the world.
Fortunately for us, the Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic is easy to work with.
As the current civilization continues to disintegrate, we are lucky that the growing power of this ray is present to enable us to rebuild what must be destroyed.
Under the direction of Seventh Ray Energy, humanity will build a new temple for religion. We’ll also find new ways to do business that are not as competitive but will function successfully using the principles of sharing and cooperation.
The world will necessarily organize itself in a very different way. So be prepared for vast and very different ways of doing things. We’ll see a push for emphasis on the Will-to-Good in many phases of human life. We will be more open to the new.
In the educational arena, we’ll find more and more acceptance and reliance upon the soul; in fact, the presence of the soul will be taught to young children and will be a cornerstone of education from childhood to adulthood.
The human value system will shift dramatically from an emphasis on materialism to a system of values which includes and honors spiritual values. The stories people will tell will have a recognized spiritual dimension which will energize the move to more inclusive and universal values.
That means that whole societies will undergo a hard reevaluation of attitudes on subjects like racism and we will learn to stand in the shoes of others with compassion and make necessary changes.
The Age of Aquarius and strong Seventh Ray energy will both have influence in the world and will be with us for the next 2,500 years and more.The Seventh Ray will energize efforts to have ceremonial observances.
After all, well chosen ritual does have its place!
As D.K. tells us, the rays are conduits of energy that send certain qualified energies into the world and into the human field. The rays have their own kind and quality of influence.
It is humanity’s responsibility to intelligently use the rays to build a new civilization.
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Inspired by A Treatise on White Magic, p. 511
Rebecca A Field, author of the book “To Choose The Fire of the Cosmos”
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