For awhile the question of the evolution of the soul has been a subject of interest and there is some inner urgency to find an answer.
To find the answer from an esoteric perspective, it seems to be necessary to take into consideration the subject of the Trinity.The Trinity prevails in both Eastern and Western thought and it is central to the tradition of the Ancient Wisdom.
So the question right now seems to be: from the perspective of the Perennial Philosophy (Ancient Wisdom), what does life at the center of our solar system, per A Treatise on White Magic, have to do with the soul’s evolutionary development?

Source: asd.gsfc.nasa.gov/archive/hubble/
Surely soul and life at the center of the solar system are connected! Life at the center is the impetus for evolutionary development in the universe. Certainly the pictures that have come back from the Hubbell telescope indicate that a lot is going on in space.
How about the human soul, the spiritual foundation of the individual? Can we say that it is the basis of our evolutionary development?
The soul is present in man to help guide us through our own soul-unfolding. It is a slightly different process for each of us and we have the freedom of choice about our own unfolding. The question arises how does the soul unfold, grow and develop?
The “third aspect of divinity that tends to the revelation of the soul,” the second aspect or the soul reveals the highest aspect. Thus all three aspects work together.
H.P. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine explains that the soul manifests in matter. The soul is the medium for spirit to reveal itself.
The three aspects: matter, soul and spirit, then, are a trinity and it is life that integrates and permeates them all.
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Inspired by A Treatise on White Magic, pp. 13-14
Rebecca Field
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