Universality and Learning to Breathe under Water
At the same time we live in a wonderful and beautiful world, we simultaneously live in a world that is new and strange.
For example, the following was on the internet. It proves we (humanity) are “the massive barrier breakers of the world” (1) as Sri Aurobindo said when he referred to humanity.
It said: Back by popular demand: Breathing under Water
A self-paced, online course. June 19 – August 14, 2013”
How unusual can you get? Yet isn’t that the way the Divine is, surprising us all the way along our respective journeys?
The announcement above is a threshold statement alerting us that the whistle for the big race is about to begin. It is telling us that something new and different is starting and we are on the threshold of something new in this moment.
Isn’t it true that every moment is different from every other, and our consciousness shifts ever so slightly with each passing moment? Some moments are larger and create waves within that cause us to leap.
As time goes on we learn to live life on the mental plane. We humans learn to handle life from the perspective of the soul. We are fully open to all the wonders life has to offer us by relying on the soul’s wisdom.
Using the familiar cliché, it means we eventually learn to be fully and joyfully in the world but not of it. We learn to deal with events and people impersonally.
Life lived this way transcends and goes beyond the emotional, astral, glamour-seeking and drama-expressing, self-absorbed part of the personality. Moment by moment the emotions and judgments we have are transmuted into expressions of universality.
We become impersonal.
The astral or emotional body becomes the organ through which the love of the soul can move.
Desire turns into aspiration and that eventually finds radiant expression in group life, group work, and fulfilling group purpose. Glamour changes to an appreciation of reality and the lessons learned along the way move spontaneously out of our experience.
The radiant light of the mind illuminates all the dark places of the personality and figuratively we learn to breathe under water.
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Rebecca Field
© All Rights Reserved Worldwide
1. Savitri, by Sri Aurobindo, p. 344,Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, Pondicherry, India, 1970
2. Center for Action and Contemplation http://cac.org
3. With gratitude for the inspiration of Alice A. Bailey, the Lucis Trust and the Lucis Publishing Company for Discipleship in the New Age, p. 50