Wesak Is Coming
The Wesak Festival is celebrated every year on the moment of the Full Moon of Taurus, usually in May.
Wesak marks the high point in the spiritual year. Both the Buddha and the Christ come together to participate and cooperate in delivering spiritual energy to humanity.
In a very real sense Wesak is about peace—about bringing peace—to the world.
Each of us has a role to play in making peace a reality.
The Hierarchy impresses the Plan on the receptive human mind. They convey both the intended power to execute the Plan and the understanding about what is necessary from the human side to manifest the subjective idea of peace in our four-dimensional world — the three dimensions plus time.
During this Full Moon celebration, the Buddha goes to great effort to bring great Beings into contact with our planetary Hierarchy. If the work is successful we can look forward to an increased flow of spiritual energy into the world which has an effect on all dimensions of life on Earth.
A call goes out the Masters of the Hierarchy to prepare for a “Holy Month” of service. They, in turn, call aspirants, disciples and initiates to cooperate with the very holy event that occurs during the Wesak Festival.
Likewise, we can also prepare ourselves and the world for Wesak, through meditation, alignment, and visualization.
Each of us is a vessel for spreading light and serving others. We are also asked to hold the force of the Wesak Festival for humanity and to serve on subjective planes through self-forgetfulness and the recognition of the needs of humanity.
Humanity is the needed channel for spiritual forces to be distributed through the whole of the human race under Hierarchical direction.
Two days before the ceremony held in Tibet, we are asked to become receptive so that our souls can participate and we may become useful to the Hierarchy who works through groups of souls.
On the day of the Festival try to hold yourself in the light,
On the two days after the Wesak ceremony in self-forgetfulness turn your attention to humanity and pass on that measure of spiritual energy you were given.
No matter how unfamiliar one is with the Festival, or what your environment is, you can participate in taking part in building the spiritual vision. We can all respond lovingly as a group on the inner planes and quietly distribute the force generated by the Festival.
Rebecca Field
© All Rights Reserved World Wide
Note: Inspired by Esoteric Psychology II, p. 683-688
With gratitude to the Lucis Publishing Company
and Alice A. Bailey, the amanuensis for Djwal Khul