Service Is the Key
Recently a friend called and asked, “What can a widow do to survive after the death of her husband, especially when she has a debilitating illness and little money?”
Sadly, it is a question that millions of women all over the world are forced to ask themselves. Often with the passing of her spouse, a widow must either depend on the graciousness and kindness of her children or find some other way to survive until it is her time to go on. It is a hard, even a terrifying question that she must answer.
There is no easy reply to the question! Yet there is a way to solve the problem.
Look around and find someone with a greater problem. Give your attention to a person whose needs are even greater. Help the one nobody notices. People in grave need are all around.
If you cannot find one nearby, there are organizations, hospitals, schools, jails and many other places where you could go and share yourself, your knowledge and skills, your caring with someone else.
You can make new friends by helping others. You can have new experiences and learn something new.
In serving someone else, you can find that “what comes around goes around.” Keep your eyes open for those in your close environment who are there to help you in your time of need.
Find the time every day to be thankful for something or someone you have in your life.
You’ll find you have far more than you ever thought. 🙂
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© 2017 All rights reserved. Rebecca Field