Why Spiritual Integration Is Important
A good stable integration of the mind, emotions and brain is an outstanding quality of spiritually advanced people.
The goal of most students is to integrate the personality nature—the mind, emotions and brain so that the personality functions well. This is a necessary step in growth prior to becoming a working soul.
In an inner way, s/he dedicates himself to being conscious of all three levels of the personality as much of the time as he can.
The personality is often dedicated to the selfish and greedy pursuits.
More advanced students pursue a yet higher integration of soul and personality, a precursor to even higher integrations.
Fortunately there are many people like this all over the world. D.K calls them “Accepted Disciples.”
When asked how we can integrate ourselves, he says that it will be impossible if we have too high a regard for ourselves or the opposite extreme of self-depreciation.
A serious spiritual student has an inner urge to search for the hidden. They want to open to the mysteries of the inner universe. They seek a thread that will link all parts of their being, even though they may be totally unaware of the soul. Many are able to blend the three bodies so that they are true personalities in the sense meant by the Tibetan.
Even though some may try to integrate themselves, it can be a premature effort and they are unsuccessful in linking the parts of their being in a given life. However, it is not a wasted effort because they are able to work out a mental concept of the prospect of integration.
To integrate the personality is an essential on the spiritual path and one which members of the Hierarchy have mastered.
How do we bring about personality integration? Meditation with study and a genuine life of service is always a good way to start.
Participating in service activities will provide tests and we can see where we are in the integration process. We see what is still lacking.
When people are able to do good works because of a natural bent, it is a hopeful sign of integration. They serve intelligently, though at first they are motivated by mercy. Next they are sure beyond doubt that their service is essential. There is ego involvement. Then a stage of spiritual ambition comes to life only to give way to a stage of yielding to the way of Hierarchy. Finally their service is an act of genuine love. It is a manifestation of the integration of soul and personality.
All these phases are right and natural and must occur in the process of unfolding our true being. The personality has gained richness from its varied experience. It expresses itself powerfully. It has undergone significant reorganization and it is dedicated to the soul and to developing and sustaining a relationship between Hierarchy and Humanity.
Inspired by Esoteric Healing, pp.508-510.
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Rebecca A Field
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