Writing about The Great Invocation
As we live more deeply into the ancient wisdom tradition there remains a thirst for a time to know how the personality became involved.
Why did the personality go through with this most peculiar of assignments?
Really it doesn’t matter but the human in us wonders.
At the age of nine the Tibetan came to visit as my mother read to me a few passages from A Treatise on White Magic.
I was just an ordinary kid and at that age had no idea what it was about or why she wanted to read it to me.
What she read me in just a few moments passed well above my head.
Nevertheless, a seed was planted that has lasted a lifetime.
Many years later the realization came that she was inspired by reading the Treatise, and wanted to share her enthusiasm with someone.
I was the lucky one who happened to be there to receive an initial introduction to the thought and writing of one of the Masters who called himself Djwahl Kuhl or The Tibetan.
He lived in Tibet, that especially high place in the world that has, in turn, inspired me throughout life.
As involvement with the School captured my interest and the esoteric tradition piqued my interests, a meditation group was started.
It has been meeting now for fifty years. Of course, the original members dropped out or moved on to experience the treasures of the “spiritual supermarket” that was beginning to bulge in what became Silicon Valley.
Symbolically the area south of San Francisco became, for a time, the center of the computer industry.
It is a very small section of the earth where energies of the Age of Aquarius were being molded by computer nerds as much as the tremendous forces changing the age from Pisces to Aquarius were also influencing humans.
Over the years all twenty-five volumes of the works of the Master Djwal Kuhl through his amanuensis, Alice Bailey, passed under my eye.
Feeling always a sincere student but not an accomplished one, a nonprofit organization was initiated and a door opened up to work with Russians.
It was Irena Tsareva in Saratov who headed a nonprofit group that was helping poor women in that area to learn western entrepreneurial skills, medical guidance with trained physicians, and a huge effort to curb sex slavery which continues to plague Russia.
The more the “blue books” written by Alice A. Bailey became familiar, the more I realized how important the Great Invocation was.
It was the basis of the Triangles Work, World Goodwill, and certainly The Externalization of the Hierarchy and some of the other “blue books” reveal how important the great prayer is and how humanity can turn the tide of the present social ills and human confusion by saying the great prayer daily.
The book ‘The Great Invocation – Historical Background and Meaning of the Great Prayer: a Handbook.‘ was written to help people internalize the meaning of the Great Invocation. It is replete with footnotes for those who do research and need the source information.
It is my hope that you will say it daily and share it as far and wide as possible.
The great prayer is inclusive and that means it includes the belief systems of all the great religions in its current wording.
It is an exceedingly ancient prayer and has been used for thousands of years. There have been other versions. It is changed by Those who Know as humanity evolves and new needs arise.
Saying the Great Invocation daily is a way the recognition of detachment which is very possible as most of humanity has achieved the first spiritual initiation.
It calls for persistence which will not give up even in the face of severe difficulty. It is the significant flag on the spiritual path that reveals the pledged disciple.
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© 2015. All rights reserved. Rebecca Field
Thank you
We use this Invocation regularly at least thrice daily.
Love and light
Orest and Julia