The dying embers of the Piscean Age wane as we move further into the Aquarian Age.
This great progression from one astrological sign to another is an evolutionary movement that seems to be cosmically designed to move humanity through change and upheavals and periods of tremendous and enduring creativity and inspiration. The purpose of the constant shift is to enable humankind to expand its consciousness.
In time we will find ourselves embodying a new race. Rest assured that it will not at first be a race with marked physical features as we now experience the races of humankind to be. They will have a more developed state of consciousness. The awareness of this new race will be intuitive perception and the ability to control energy.
Humanity will one day learn to control the energy of sex, for instance. Even now there are children who have learned to control their selfish desires and to love and treat their immediate family with love, respect and compassion, but also the community they live in as well as the world as a whole. To do this they have far-reaching perceptions. There are even some leaders of countries whose love and compassion is so great and beyond the ordinary that they are understood by others as being guided by their high ideals.
In fact, one of the things we all need to consider more is what the point of reality in the future really is.
What positive things do you see in the future?
When many of us sense and envision the same thing, power is generated for the vision to manifest in the world.
Fifty years ago who would have guessed that the amount of compassion in the human sphere could have increased seemingly exponentially to the world of today. Though a lot of compassion was expressed then, service is now present on every continent as a roaring lion on energetic early morning ready to find a person to assist in some fitting way or act creatively on a project that will benefit many.
What will the new human be like?
Look around you and you’ll see some of them. Their state of consciousness is what will be and is notable. The future is full of promise and fulfillment. We can even now begin to train ourselves to have higher perception. You can begin by registering the beautiful qualities of soul you see a person expressing. They are inevitably many!
Note the people around you who search for higher meaning in events, personal encounters, dreams, and incidents. Here before you are the many-faceted jewels that people can and do express. After all, we are trying to find meaning in daily experience and make the connection the universe itself is trying to reveal. It is the real energy of love we seek and eventually find. It is like a magnet that beckons us to connect with others and forget ourselves.
New or reframed ideas are bursting everywhere. No matter what the field of endeavor, there are breakthrough ideas that move people to go beyond themselves and distinguish and accept the emanating Aquarian values of Right, Universality and Inclusiveness.
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