Spiritual Traditions

What is religion

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What is religion

What Is Religion Do you remember your college days when a conversation had already started about religion and your friends and roommate were so engrossed they were sitting in the hall? Some were wearing their pajamas and slippers and their hair was pin-curled. Others were still dressed. Perhaps there were six or seven gripped in a conversation of real interest and you decided to join them on the cold, hard floor. They were interested in coming to an acceptable definition that would fit all the major religions of the world—Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Muslim, Jewish and Christian. Some...

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Develop a healthy curiosity with the five hindrances

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Five Hindrances Buddhism is one of the great spiritual traditions and it has a few potentially life enhancing ideas that can be remembered by the numbers associated with them. The Eight-fold Noble Path is one. We’ll take a look at what Buddhism has to say about the Five Hindrances. They are:  sexual desire, ill will, torpor, restlessness and skeptical doubt. Some are not what you’d expect! Sexual desire refers to not being fully present in the moment and getting caught up in planning and other extraneous matters. It is getting caught up with a sunbeam that isn’t real or has little substance....

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