Upcoming Book ‘Unwavering Strength’ with Judy O’Beirn and friends
I am happy to announce my participation, as a co-author, in the upcoming book Unwavering Strength which is a compilation of inspiring stories in which you can find strength and comfort through other people’s journeys experiencing grief, loss, trauma, heartache and challenging times. A percentage of the proceeds of the book will be donated to help families suffering through cancer pay for medical support, child care, experimental treatments, day to day care of their families, and even to help them achieve their bucket list through the...
read moreThe Soul of Discrimination
The Soul of Discrimination Have you ever needed to buy another house? Your ability to discriminate or not will show up when you do. Perhaps you have been invited to a grand event and realize you need to buy a new dress or suit for the occasion. Or maybe you need a legal specialist for something and have checked out and met several people whose expertise you need, but you can’t decide which one to choose. Discrimination is involved in all these situations and seldom do we realize that our choices are poor because we have failed to realize...
read moreElephants As Individualized Creatures
Elephants As Individualized Creatures Animals have a profound interconnection with humans and appear to have individualized. It is definitely noticeable even in my chickens who are a delight! As a great lover of all animals, a really soft spot has developed in my heart for elephants. Care and concern for these huge animals has been encouraged and expanded by the newsletter from The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. For years the newsletter has brought Dulary and Minnie and the other “girls” home to me. For a short time I had an especially...
read moreHierarchy Needs Humanity
Hierarchy Needs Humanity Every day humanity sees and understands more about the surrounding and indwelling spirit. Something wonderful and beautiful constantly bubbles forth from humanity and the Hierarchy watches as the light spreads. We are clearer about the love we render when we give of ourselves freely. We aspire to find the truth, and increasingly we make an effort to cooperate with one another. We serve in the best ways we know how and are capable of. We share as we are able and as our inner light directs us. Humanity is in the process...
read moreWhat Is The New Age?
What Is the New Age? The term “New Age” has been around for a long time. It was a head-turner for the general public in the middle of the last century and may have been a topic of conversation a few centuries before that in very sparse and small groups. It is possible that with use its meaning has changed over time. However, as used here, the term “New Age” is full of many meanings, none of them “far out”, “flaky” or “airy fairy”. Three areas in particular are significant. They are: goodwill, quality human relations and service. Goodwill is...
read moreThe Call of the Paschal Mystery
The Call of the Paschal Mystery Passover and Easter are almost here. Not only is it time to think of gaily colored eggs, the paschal lamb, and the glories of spring, but also to consider the mystery that surrounds this most sacred time of the year. The paschal lamb is sacrificed to enable survival—the continuation of life, just as the Christ makes the choice to allow Himself to be sacrificed on Calvary. There is a mystery in this, something that is hard for humans to understand because we think we are isolated and separate. The fact is that...
read morePassover & Easter Meanings : Joy the Soul of Resurrection
Joy the Soul of Resurrection What is the amazing power of spring, Easter, and the Passover? Why it is so compelling? After all we mark it as a huge event every year. What is it all about that makes it so important? Have we learned the lessons it has to teach? Every year we celebrate the Passover and Easter and delight with coconut covered lambs and brightly colored eggs nestled in artificial green grass. It is an outlet for the wonders of human creativity, but do we give even a moment’s notice to the meaning of all these symbols? Of course,...
read moreRight Human Relationships
Taking Quality Relationships Seriously The illness and death of my husband of 55 years has precluded my writing anything for my readers for a while. I regret that I could not get anything out to you during this time. My remarkable, brilliant and attentive virtual assistant Janice Dugas, from Majalis Social Media Services based in Quebec, Canada whom is also known in stamp collecting circles as the Queen of Topical Stamp Collecting, has helped me through this life adventure at many levels. So Janice I want particularly to thank you for your...
read moreHome Funeral ?
To Have a Home Funeral Life lends itself well to all kinds of exploration and new experiences. One possibility is to have a home funeral. Having a home funeral is still a fairly new idea in America. Really it is a modern twist on funerals of long ago held on the prairie or on a mountainside near a community who knew each other as well as the deceased. The purpose of having a funeral is to give meaning and depth to the life of a community member. A funeral gives people who knew the deceased the chance to feel and express their story and...
read moreHierarchy-Humanity-Shamballa
I sense the train-like effect that Hierarchy has on the world: humanity struggles toward Hierarchy and Hierarchy unceasingly moves toward Shamballa and the working out of the Plan.
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