
Fork in the road ; a possibility for service

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Fork in the road ; a possibility for service

The Possibility for Service Have you ever been through a critical period in your life, one of those times when you sense a change is in the air and you find a fork in the road? It can be one of those times when, whether you want it or not, a change is coming and you are going to have to make a major decision. Examples could be that you feel some urgency within to start a small support group for women or you have a project in mind that would help young boys and girls of color. You have several friends who might help you get something started....

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The Higher Purpose of Pain

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The Higher Purpose of Pain

Pain is more than a warning sign From a strictly physical standpoint modern medical science has found that pain is a warning sign and should be treated. Emotional and spiritual pain, however, from a higher perspective have far different reasons for being a part of life. When we take for granted the fact that the entire universe has purpose, and humanity is a part of that purpose, we can understand that the tenacity of emotional pain is to help us reach a detached state of consciousness. In that way human disinterest has an important and even...

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Inside Greatness : a Compelling Story About Forgiveness

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Inside Greatness : a Compelling Story About Forgiveness

The Importance of Stories in Our Lives Life itself is the all–absorbing, captivating and forceful terrain of our expressed experience. Others learn from experience through the stories they tell or hear. Our understanding of our own experience deepens as we share our encounters. As we bring forth the ancient Greek high sense of Oneness, we find it is comprised of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. There are also many other groups of three which have been guiding principles of human life through the ages like Faith, Hope, and Charity. Another is Will,...

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Varadero Coral Reef Thrives in the Bay of Cartagena

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Varadero Coral Reef Thrives in the Bay of Cartagena

 A debate rages in Colombia, South America about the Varadero Reef. Taking the Long View   The world of nature has created an amazing reef in the port at Cartagena, Colombia, a coral reef that thrives in an improbable location. It is in one of South America’s busiest harbors. From the water’s surface one can see huge container ships being loaded and unloaded. A scuba diver dives under the water and not very far down he crosses through a layer of contaminated yellowish residue.  Then beyond the ten foot level the water suddenly clears and...

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You are not alone and you are needed

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You are not alone and you are needed

You are needed just where you are We often think to ourselves that we are the only ones around who have problems or challenges to overcome. In most of us there is a tendency to feel that we are alone in bearing this or that situation or challenge, only to find out that we are not alone. In groups formed for the purpose of looking honestly at ourselves, we hear other people share their troubles as well as the emotions arising from the problem they face. We find in time and with experience that we are not alone in having a problem to solve, a...

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Pay It Forward

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Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward There was little I needed to get at the grocery store, but since I had a coupon I dashed in and got two cans of Wasabi peas. Check out that day was unusually difficult and presented a challenge as huge as Mount Everest. After at least six tries of putting the card into the card reader, I was still stuck and at least ten people were behind me waiting to be checked out. I could see that the woman who was at the cash register was becoming irritated because I couldn’t seem to get anything right about the electronic check out. It...

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Cooperation: Necessity and Idealization

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Cooperation: Necessity and Idealization

 COOPERATION: NECESSITY and IDEALIZATION Uncle hollered to me as I ran terrified from the corral, “Quick, go get your aunt!” I took off and ran toward the ranch house as fast as I could and called loudly to Mangie, the name her grandchildren had given my aunt, “Quick Uncle needs you to come to the corral where all the cattle are…fast.” I waited a long second to be sure she heard me. She ran through the dining room doorway toward the nearest door to the corral. We ran together toward the corral as she asked, “What happened?” As a city kid I...

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Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural Speech

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Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural Speech

Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural Speech Great speeches, like great ideas, have some immortal truth to them that could have been recognized five hundred years ago and will be honored and respected way into the future. Speeches like this stand out because they call us to recognize, understand and act upon something we know in our hearts but may not have so clearly understood until it was articulated by someone. Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s new president in 1994 took the world’s breath away with the truth of this statement: “Our deepest fear is not...

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The Assets of Leadership

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The Assets of Leadership

The Assets of Leadership Some leaders emerge because they have a lot of information and are able to use it appropriately like General Patton did in World War II. Others bubble to the surface of life because they are unusually creative like Leonardo de Vinci. A few become a leading musical group as the Beatles did for a generation back in the sixties and seventies. Leaders emerge under all kinds of circumstances and some of them can be considered inspired leaders like Moses, for instance, who lead the Jews to safety and helped them realize the...

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The Great Invocation Prayer Brings Peace and Joy

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The Great Invocation Prayer Brings Peace and Joy

Saying The Great Invocation The Great Invocation is one of the oldest prayers ever given to humankind. It has been given to us in differing forms from time to time depending on the spiritual need of humanity. Like an arrow speeding to its goal, the Invocation is a gift to be received with gratitude. Then as you join other people and become a group, it is a gift to be sent for the healing of humanity and the earth. The Great Invocation crosses boundaries between lands and cultures and it moves easily between time zones when those who say it,...

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